Friday, March 11, 2011

Letter from Papua New Guinea, Spring 2011

By Mark Palm

Greetings from Papua New Guinea! It is hard to believe we have been here a year! The transition was hectic to say the least, but overall I think it was probably just about “normal” considering we moved our family halfway across the world.

The first few months went by quickly with the major focus being the transition of the family, developing relationships with local leaders here in Wewak, hiring local staff, putting the plane back together, and beginning our flight operations.

Since the middle of last March, the Spirit of Paradise and I have been busy delivering medicine to remote clinics and performing emergency evacuations.

This truly has been a dream come true for Samaritan Aviation and our family. Kirsten has done a great job of being a wife, mother, teacher, and tracking my flights on the computer.

One of our highlights here was when our whole family was able to deliver medicine to the remote clinic at Hauna. We were able to tour the large high school and clinic there. The kids were able to experience a ride on a fifty-foot canoe and see village life firsthand.

On the flight home, an emergency call came in and we diverted to pick-up a mother who had a breached birth. The whole family was able to experience a medicine delivery and a Life Flight. Both the mother and child are alive today because of that flight! There is something special about doing ministry as a family. It was truly memorable for each of us.

The need here is great and we are excited about the coming year as Samaritan Aviation continues to minister to those in need, both physically and spiritually.  Thanks for all of your prayers and support for our family and Samaritan Aviation! We could not do this without you.

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